Monday, June 22, 2009

Goings on...

goings on

Figs growing
sunburned noses
messes of squash
bountiful gardens
old tractors
cute CUTE puppies
cholorined eyes
chickens and chicks
promises of cucumbers soon!
finally, a level pool
beans galore
hot exhaused kitties

I love summer. :)

Now it's almost time for supper--fried squash, oh how I love thee! :)
I started a new book for review
I still haven't started reading ''to kill a mockingbird''
but I will
and I have to find a history resource for this fall for the 3rd and 5th grader.
any suggestions?


Stephanie said...

I have heard good things about Mystery of History and may do that with N1 next year. What are you trying to cover? Any specific time period?

I have fresh squash on my counter this afternoon, too. Not sure yet how I am going to prepare, but some (I'm sure) will go into a Mitford recipe for squash casserole. Yum!

Maria said...

I will be doing Mystery of History with my 2nd and 5th grader next year as well.

Cheryl said...

Winter Promise has lots of great history stuff. :)