Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday! Yay! Friday!

Friday Felicities was started by Nattie Rose York-the little things that make you happy. Post yours and then drop by Bedky's and sign Mr. Linky.

--road trips



--music and memories


--diet coke & coffee

--the ocean

Things making my week:

Things making my week...

Surprise sunflowers...finishing up a fun STAR crochet project...gardinias-even though I think the scent is overwhelming, these line the driveway and offer their gift to me every night when I'm out stargazing...flip flops with sparklies make forhappy feet!

I'm off to South Carolina for the weekend.

I'll possibly have some post up over the weekend-if I have some extra time to get them together.

Otherwise I'll see you Monday.

Thanks for reading.

Happy Weekend.

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