Friday, February 19, 2010

been thinking...

I've been thinking...

on the Beatitudes, and yarn projects & unfinished yarn projects, and expectations, and words and the power of them...

{I've been wondering why we fight for something we don't really want prove...what...exactly???

about over protection...and insecurity.

not understanding things--but having an understanding of things
(think on that a minute!)

I've thought about how a little leaven, causes a lot of flour to rise...and a little sin causes a life to fall.}

Blessed are the peacemakers...
(think on that...)
Blessed are they that mourn...
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness...
Blessed are the meek...
Blessed are the merciful...
Blessed are the pure in heart...
Blessed are the persecuted...

There is a line of a song I love, "held'' by Natalie Grant. It goes, ''who told us we'd be rescued?''

Sometimes there is a thought, that the Christian life is a life of ease. That if you commit to Christ then it's all pie in the sky, good things, money rolling in and no worries. However, why, oh why, would scripture give us the Beatitudes if that were so...

We are not promised to be rescued...
We are promised to be SAVED.

This Lenten season, there are things I am curbing...sacrificing. But more than that I am gaining. I am gaining a glimpse of His righteousness. I am humbled to see my need for Him so desperately. I am shamed by the pride my heart has carried. I am seeking to die to me, my wants, my will, my desire and to SEE HIM and what He offers as truly what is the best. I am making physical and spiritual offerings this season, there is death, but there is a promise...

blessed are they that mourn
for they shall see God.

(brand new eyes!)

blessed weekend, my friends.

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