Thursday, March 28, 2013

In the middle of a heavy week

A full week.
He rode in triumphantly
the people crying, "Hosanna" and laying down palm branches.

He'd ask His disciples to the Garden to pray.
and He prayed.
and begged.
and cried.
found his supporters

He called them to supper.
the ones he'd chosen.
the ones he'd trusted.
the ones he loved.
the one
who would betray him.

And the crowds gathered
and Pilot washed his hands. 

and it echos and refrains...

crucify him...crucify him.

he drank it in...
on sinless lips-the bitterness.
and He stood ...
while they mocked Him.
for when we are weak.
He carried the cross...
the order of operation that equaled our salvation.
He was wounded.

and in a week that promised to end Him.
He looked forward to the weekend.
He just couldn't wait for Sunday.

He is not here, He is risen, just like He said... Matthew 28:5

(Today and every Thursday I blog over at Middle Places. Head over and read the stuff my Middle Sisters have shared. Find us on FB and join the community of women, growing and finding grace in our middle places.)

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