Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

May 5th...
not feeling bloggy...
actully feeling bloggy-but they feel heavy and I am wanting to focus on some light and happy...

So in that vein...I open the floor to you, dear readers (waves at the two of you, madly!)

What do you want to know?
What burning question have you been dying to ask...
Do you really wonder if I wash my dust pan (yes!)
Shoe size...
Favorite song...

You ask and I'll answer (more than likely, or I'll say UM, that's a bit too personal so NO! heh!)



if you can't get your questions to post, feel free to shoot them via email or PM or post them over at FB. :)


Andra said...

My question... when in the world are you going to come to Canada and visit me? ;)

Stephanie said...

I want to hear one of Cheri's planning posts. : ) What are your summer plans, your summer theme, etc., if you feel like sharing. It always inspires me to make some goals - even if I don't meet all of them (or any of them) I love having a game plan, and yours always gives me something to add to my plan!

And, favorite healthy recipe that you eat now. Do share. : )

Andra said...

Oh I have another one...

Why do you love your birthday so much? I've never met someone who loves their birthday as much as you do! I get a kick out of seeing how excited you get about it but wonder why...

Just Me said...

What size shoe do you wear?

I need this information so that I can help your children shop. You know, just in case you meet Jesus next December 25th. :)

The Nurtured Empath said...

Ohhhh, I wanna hear about summer plans too!!