Wednesday, July 4, 2012

But God...

We have a rule in our home.

Anything you say after BUT cancels out EVERYTHING you said before it.

It benefits you none to apologize if you are going to say ... but and then explain why your actions were justified.

Three letters.


and they carry such sway.

They can completely rob a conversation of its meaning.

I thought of this a couple of times today. Both times, the thought spurred because of friends that were talking about choices they'd made...
things they'd done...
the people they were before...

and I thought about God.

and how
we stumble through life
making choices,
taking chances,
messing up,
falling down,
digging deep into the mire
going against what we know to do
repeating past mistakes

trying again...

 we are often reminded
of the people we were

before grace
before mercy


we met a Man that told us everything before the BUT is cancelled...

and everything after is what counts...

BUT GOD demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, He sent his Son to die for us.  Romans 5:8


Heather said...


SQStamper said...

Such TRUTH! Happy 4th to you and your family!

ang klocke said...

Love this!