in church , within the walls ... we are in uniform
hands raised in worship
singing the songs
saying the words
when we cross the threshold
when the sanctuary turns into daily life...
when the sales associate is less than helpful,
when the kid is pitching a fit and rolling on the floor, all while the mom watches,
when the waitress gets the order wrong,
when the welfare mom ...with four three different dads gets pregnant...again (and needs assistance)
what do they think...then
we spend time, lots of it
being better ''Christians''
the bible studies,
the conferences,
the church services...
but how much time do we sacrifice to be more like Christ?
We confuse it, I think...
We do well with church...
with telling them what they need,
with giving to the homeless mission,
with praying for those without faith...
what do they say about our Jesus...
What can they say...
when we are yelling JESUS LOVES YOU...
but our actions are screaming...
not yet...
you are too worldly
not yet...
you are too sinful
not yet...
you are too far gone...
we possess HOPE
and we hold it...
are we scared?
of what?
that if we share that grace that saved us...
that what?
that they....them...
with change???
Don't you see it?
People are hurting
looking for something to believe
and we have JESUS.
all to ourselves
neat and tidy
wrapped up on Sunday.
look where we find Him...
-hanging out with a hooker...
-a crazy demon possessed man...
-a money swindler...
-a blind beggar...
-a leaper...
the ones society, the church...
sat with...talked to
ate with..
spoke truth to
Jesus was on a life mission. He wanted the ones most rejected...neglected...bitter and sinful
to know...
15 Later Jesus and his disciples were at home having supper with a collection of disreputable guests. Unlikely as it seems, more than a few of them had become followers. 16 The religion scholars and Pharisees saw him keeping this kind of company and lit into his disciples: "What kind of example is this, acting cozy with the riff-raff?" 17 Jesus, overhearing, shot back, "Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? I'm here inviting the sin-sick, not the spiritually-fit."
Mark 2:15-17
and it is what they still need to know...
that there is no sin too big...
there is no muck too deep...
there is no choice too bad...
no point of no return...
they need to know,
that HE
that we...
love them.
That grace is amazing ... that mercy is theirs
and that He is not finished with them...
not yet.