Thursday, May 2, 2013

In the middle of living a prayer...

Our Father
who art in Heaven
-Sometimes, if I am honest, you feel really far away...

Hallowed be they name
-Sometimes, all I can muster is a whisper of your name...

Thy kingdom come
-sometimes I wonder what is coming next and how much more can come my way...

They will be done
-sometimes I hate this part...
it's hard.
I know you are good but that doesn't mean all the stuff that happens is good.
But, even on the hardest, saddest days. I say this phrase and believe your will is right...

On earth as it is in Heaven
-sometimes I long for heaven...
for peace.
sometimes I cling to earth-
wanting just a bit more time...
I am thankful to know you are at both places-actively present and working...

Give us this day our daily bread
-sometimes I am so focused on tomorrow, next week or next month that today is something that I just try to make it through. I am busily praying for the future and discount the conversation for the present.
Help me to focus on you, this day...

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
-sometimes forgiveness is a struggle
people hurl words, people act hurtful, people break hearts.
Help me to forgive like you and to be forgiven by you ...

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
-sometimes I see it coming and I avoid the path.
sometimes I walk right down it...
lead me-deliver me

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever
-sometimes I forget.
Help me to remember to glance often at your glory...

-sometimes Amen is considered the end of a prayer but it means ''so be it'' help me to live in the so be it of life...and trust that you are right there with me.

and so
even though sometimes you feel far away and all I can do is whisper your name...
even though I wonder what more can happen, I trust your will, I am thankful for the promise of Heaven and your presence on earth...
even though I forget to focus on this day, help me to forgive like you...
keep my path clear and help me to remember
regardless of what is going on...
your glory is present
and I can rest in the echoing
so be it
of my life.

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